Drawing your head

The head is a really hard to grasp for a lot of people, the first issue is that often times they don’t simplify the head. It’s made from different parts like the eyes nose and lips and it’s often times hard for use to work on develop them. So one of the major aspects of doing faces and heads is to put together a skull.

Once you have the head form down, It’s a matter of simply taking your basic form and start to add the different parts, Here is the process of creating the eye.

Once the eye is done, putting in the nose is the next step, I always find this one the hardest because of the unique shape and form every bodies nose comes in.

And with the nose done, all’s that is left is the lips. The lips are usually simplified forms that you can quickly create and build up.

And here are some examples of putting it all together. I hope this helps everybody.


Mistakes: the process of this Fantasy DnD style oil painting


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